
So grateful you are here.

I’m Abe and I’m here to be of service.

I am currently living South East Asia. I just happen to smile whenever I see this pic of the beach. Some of my travel pics will be included. Check out the site and leave a comment on any and all posts, if you wish.

Greater Gratitude Gazette

Our Community of Like Minded Individuals – Striving and Stretching to “Be Greater”

Greater Gratitude


Our weekly publication of inspiring stories, obstacles hurdled, and progress towards our purpose for being created

Be Greater

Written five days per week, my gratitude list has helped me stave off depression, enhance my relationship with my Creator while finding and working towards fulfilling my purpose.

Be Great Be Grateful

Simple Solutions for Serious Situations

Authenticity is vital. This is a compilation of all my list for a year. Incomparable insights, meaningful lessons, and more.



One on one working together to get you where you want to go.


Business Consultation

Revenue Enhancement, No and low cost increases, and operational automation. .


A.I and whatnot

A.I. automation solutions